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Subscribe now so you don’t miss our weekly educational posts bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and real estate. We will cover our own project - our mission, tokenomics, community, strategy, future suite of products - as well as broader topics in the either the cryptocurrency or real estate space.

We aim to equip you with necessary knowledge to deal with the intersection of real estate and Web 3.0. Whether you are experienced or new to either topic (or both), we think you’ll find value in what we’re working to create.

Everything is free - distribute as you see fit.

Structure of Content

We will post often, ramping up activity at certain periods. Topics will range from high-level overviews about our protocol, RE, and cryptocurrency to deep, detailed dives into niches. Please request topics, ask questions, and poke holes in our content as they arise. Transparency first.

Nothing here is legal/financial advice.

Subscribe to The Theopetra Testament

The Real Estate Arm of Web3.